“I love the poignant impression that a tenebrist still life has on the viewer and its lasting emotional effect. I long to capture these short stories.”
Lois grew up in a family with a history of living with and selling antiques and so being surrounded by nostalgic pieces of art, was always drawn to old still lifes in oil.
After graduating from a high school in Willowdale, Ont., highly regarded for it’s rigorous art classes, her teachers recommended she go to college to further her art education. She went on to study at York University for Fine Art/Visual Art for one year, then on to Ontario college of Art for four, learning and experiencing much in colour, drawing and painting.
Still wishing to be trained to an even greater degree of technical draftsmanship in oils and drawing disciplines, she found her way to the Academy of Realistic Art where she now feels she is finding a strong instructional foundation to support her creative journey. Her studies at ARA include rendering Bargue graphite drawings, charcoal and oil cast studies and chalk, carbon and oil life figure pieces.
Lois was born and raised in Toronto and, although visited many lands, continues to reside there. She is a wife, part time mother of three grown children of her own and spiritual mother of a few more.
Having studied formally at York University, Ontario Theological Seminary, Ontario College of Art, and Youth With a Mission, and doing some illustrative advertisements, she continues her augmentation at the Academy of Realistic Art and independently in life experience. Her partiality and personal perspective in art is to traditional draftsmanship and an academic approach to the realistic observation of the human perspective.